This mod enables the settings listed below on your device. For more information on what it enables, check out the descriptions. I would also like to thank @unknown_tags on Twitter, for some of these keys listed below.
Key: IDSDiagnosticsEnabled - Enables the continuity debug menu.
Key: UIStatusBarShowBuildVersion - Enables the build number in the status bar.
Key: AccessoryDeveloperEnabled - Enables the hidden accessory developer menu in settings.
Key: SBShowRSSI - Enables the Wi-Fi RSSI in the status bar.
Key: NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection - Enables the right to left UI.
Key: VCDiagnosticsEnabled - Enables the FaceTime debug menu.
Key: iMessageDiagnosticsEnabled - Enables the iMessage Diagnostics menu.
Need help following the written instructions? Watch the video tutorial -> CLICK ME, while doing the written instructions. To remove the mod, simply, open the file that you're restoring to your device, then under the keys, change true to false, then save the file and restore it to your device.